Kids in Court
Chair: Alyson Ray
Chair Emeritus: Judy Hoffman
Kids in Court helps the children, and their families successfully prepare for the challenge of the impending court process. This award-winning program is designed to aid children aged 3-18 who are expected to testify in court either as victims or witnesses to a violent felony crime.
Initiated in1994, Kids in Court partners with the Crimes Against Children Division of the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office to provide age-appropriate education for children – and their families – who must testify in criminal court. The majority of the children served are victims of violent crimes, primarily sexual and physical abuse and child trafficking; others have witnessed violence against adults and other children.
During each session, the younger children are taught the role of courtroom personnel through role-playing and engaging materials. Older children meet with a prosecutor and a psychologist to discuss their fears and concerns.
Kids in Court has its next session scheduled for Friday, September 27, 2024.