Thank You for Your Generosity!
$50,000+ Diamond
Beth and Greg Delagi
Kalman and Ida Wolens Foundation
$25,000+ Ruby
Phyllis Bernstein and William Weiss
Debbie and Ron Greene
Sandy Nachman
$15,000+ Emerald
Newberger and Weinstein Families
$10,000+ Sapphire
Linnie and Michael Katz
$5,000+ Opal
Elaine Bernstein
Brenda Brand
Joni and Bob Cohan
Helen and Jerry Frank
Joan Jackson
Donna Kun
Staci and Jeff Mankoff
Texas Capital Bank
Troutman, Pepper and Locke
$3,000+ Pearl
Linda and Robert Appel
Liz and Rusty Cooper/Robin and Louis Zweig
Caren (z”l) and Brian Edelstein and Joyce and Joe Rosenfield
Frost Bank
Fannie and Stephen Kahn Charitable Foundation
Kahn Mechanical Contractors
Renee and David Karp/Lori and Jon Karp
Julie and Michael Lowenberg
Marsh McLennan Agency – Blye Gallagher/Amy Schachter
Jody and Mel Platt
$2,500+ Amethyst
Sara and Gary Ahr
Dallas CASA
Laura and Norman Diamond
The Donachie Foundation and Susie Morrissey
Paddy and Barry Epstein
Nancy and Ron Fellman
Jackie Fleschman
Ann Gallant and Michelle Galen
Pauline Graivier
Ynette Hogue/Celia Schoenbrun
Rabbis Nancy Kasten and David Stern
Natalie Levy
Alisa Makler
Shannon Morse and Dan Clifford
Alyson and Joe Ray
Dafna Rubinstein
Kim and Avie Schonwald
Phyllis Steinhart
Elaine and Ken Stillman
Rhona Streit
Beth and Mark Stromberg
Team T Event Management
Maddy Unterberg/Janice Sweet Weinberg
**Last updated March 11, 2025.